Table of contents

  • Production location
  • Release dates
  • Soundtrack listing
  • Awards
  • Related films
  • Subjects
Other manifestations of this work

Basic facts

Original title Trafikljusen blir blå imorgon
Film type Feature
Category Documentary
Average rating 3,5 / 5
Production country
Production company
Classification Allowed from age 7
Swedish release 2017-09-08

Plot summary

"A friend's death triggers the tale about those of us who find community outside of society's norms. About the struggle to play the part of an adult in a world impossible to adjust to for many....

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Original title
Swedish release title
International title
Working title



Production Company Story AB
Advance allocations Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet
Distributor in Sweden (DCP) Folkets Bio AB 2017

Plot summary

"A friend's death triggers the tale about those of us who find community outside of society's norms. About the struggle to play the part of an adult in a world impossible to adjust to for many. Jussi's last text message states, 'This world is not for me.' Who exactly is this world for?" (the production company's synopsis)

Swedish censorship / rating

Certificate number 204775
Date 2017-09-05
Classification Allowed from age 7
Notes Digitalfil.
Grounds for decision Framställningen innehåller inslag av dokumentära bilder av ett flygplan som kraschar in i ett höghus samt en ingående beskrivning av ett självmord och ett självmordsförsök vilket kan medföra oro och rädsla som bedöms kunna vara till skada för välbefinnandet för barn under 7 år.

Technical specifications

Colour type Colour
Length in minutes 72 min

Release dates

Festival showing 2017-01-28 Haga Gothenburg Sweden 72 min Göteborg Film Festival 2017
2017-03-07 Victoria 2 Sweden Tempo dokumentärfestival 2017.
Release in Sweden 2017-09-08 Sweden

Holdings Film

The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type MAP

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type H264

Holdings Posters

Size About 70 x 100 cm
Quantity 2

Holdings Scripts

Script type För- och eftertexter
Extent 14 s.
Language English

Script type För- och eftertexter
Extent 3 s.
Language Swedish

Script type För- och eftertexter
Extent 1 s.
Language Swedish

Script type Dialoglista
Extent 48 s. Tidsangivelser.
Language Swedish

Script type Dialoglista
Extent 48 s. Tidsangivelser.
Language Swedish

Script type Peripheral material
Extent 1 s.
Language Swedish

Script type Musiklista
Extent 1 s.
Language Swedish

Script type Dialoglista
Script title The trafic lights turn blue tomorrow
Extent 24 s.
Language English

Script type Dialoglista
Extent 65 s.
Language English

Script type Peripheral material
Extent 2 s. Produktionsuppgifter.
Language English


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