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Originaltitel Le mélomane
Filmtyp Kortfilm
Kategori Spelfilm



"The Melomaniac" is Méliès' most imaginative variation of the sevenfold multiple exposure. Into a landscape with black sky Méliès leads his six-girl singing group. Overhead are five...

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Svensk premiärtitel




"The Melomaniac" is Méliès' most imaginative variation of the sevenfold multiple exposure. Into a landscape with black sky Méliès leads his six-girl singing group. Overhead are five telegraph wires stretched between poles resembling a musical staff. The music master carries a G clef, which he tosses into position at the beginning of the staff. The chorus is sent to the side of the stage while the music master explains that he will set up the notes of the song on the overhead wires. His baton becomes the bar indicator. Six times he removes his head and throws it up to the wires where the heads form animated notes. With six batons he turns the heads into separate half notes and quarter notes. The chorus returns bearing placards that name the six tones. The music master leads the chorus in "God Save the King" while a drummer taps out the rhythm. The heads (notes) change position for each of the three phrases, two heads disappearing when they are no longer needed. The performance completed, Méliès prances off stage with the chorus at his heels. The heads, noting their departure, turn into doves and fly away. The Star Film catalog advises that "this subject, accompanied by the proper music, produces great laughter." (ur Artificially Arranged Scenes. The Films of Georges Méliès av John Frazer 1979)

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1.33:1
Ljudtyp Stum
Färgtyp Handkolorerad
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 18
Längd i meter 50 meter
Längd i minuter 2 min
Akter 1 rullar


Frankrike (våren) 1903 1903
Films of Georges Méliès (1960) innehåller Musikälskaren (1903)

Bestånd Film

Uppgifterna här avser filmmaterial i Svenska Filminstitutets arkiv. Arkivets bestånd tillgängliggörs på begäran främst för forskning, andra filmarkiv och rättighetsinnehavare. Vid frågor kontakta

Typ Kopia
Materialbas Acetat
Bärare 16 mm
Längd i meter 25


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