Table of contents

  • Production location
  • Release dates
  • Soundtrack listing
  • Awards
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Basic facts

Media (1)

Original title Jakt
Film type Feature
Category Fiction
Average rating 2,71 / 5
Original work
Production country
Production company
Classification Allowed from age 15
Swedish release 2024-04-19


Plot summary

Alex, Greger and Henrik are three men spending a long weekend at a remote cabin. They are shooting ducks on the lake and stalking deer and elk in the forest. They do well the first few days,...

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Original title
Swedish release title
International title
Working title


Director of Photography
Production Designer
Film Editor
Script Supervisor
Film Commissioner
Make-up Design



Production Company Most Alice Films AB
Advance allocations Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet
Distributor in Sweden (DCP) Triart Film AB 2024

Plot summary

Alex, Greger and Henrik are three men spending a long weekend at a remote cabin. They are shooting ducks on the lake and stalking deer and elk in the forest. They do well the first few days, and their competitive spirit rises as their eagerness to hunt progresses. Suddenly all the forest wildlife disappears and there’s an uncanny silence. The men become obsessed that the hunt must go on.

Swedish censorship / rating

Certificate number 210033
Date 2024-01-26
Classification Allowed from age 15
Grounds for decision Framställningen innehåller genomgående inslag av starkt hotfull och obehaglig stämning. Vidare förekommer inslag av djur som skjuts och slaktas, en man som sågar av hjorthuvud, blod som bubblar ur sår, en man som kräks upp en stor larv, en man som har hallucinationer med döda människor, en skjuten man med ett blodigt sår i bröstet, återupplivningsförsök av skjuten man samt en man som dödas med gevärskott. Detta kan medföra stark rädsla och oro. Framställningen bedöms kunna vara till skada för välbefinnandet för barn under 15 år.

Technical specifications

Aspect ratio Scope 2k
Sound type Sound
Colour type Colour
Carrier type DCP
Frames per second 24
Length in minutes 100 min

Original work

Original title Jakt på ett vitt fält
Author Mats Wägeus

Release dates

Release in Sweden 2024-04-19 Sweden
Cinema release in Sweden 2024-04-19 Sweden

Holdings Film

The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type DCP

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type MAP

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type H264

Holdings Posters

Size About 70 x 100 cm
Quantity 2
Poster title Jakt


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