Table of contents

  • Production location
  • Release dates
  • Soundtrack listing
  • Awards
  • Related films
  • Subjects
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Basic facts

Original title Annelise Frankfurt
Film type Short
Category Documentary
Production country
Production company

Plot summary

In Annelise Frankfurt, first-time director Martina Hoogland Ivanov aims to build a story based on creations, to reproduce the story of choreographer Annelise Frankfurt. A woman who was...

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Original title
International title


Director of Photography
Film Commissioner


Production Company Silverosa Film AB
Advance allocations Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet

Plot summary

In Annelise Frankfurt, first-time director Martina Hoogland Ivanov aims to build a story based on creations, to reproduce the story of choreographer Annelise Frankfurt. A woman who was admired, but who also frightened many. An eccentric, a person surrounded by many myths and stories. The film wants to ask questions about what it’s like to be an active woman and artist, about observing and being observed, about competition and norms. A poetic film, but with elements of humour.

Technical specifications

Length in minutes 7 min

Release dates

Festival showing 2015-10-21 Slottsbiografen Uppsala Sweden 7 min 34:e Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestival, 2015.

Holdings Film

The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact

Element type Digitalt arkivmaterial
Carrier type MAP

Element type Digitalt visningsmaterial
Carrier type ProRes

Holdings Scripts

Script type Synopsis
Extent 22 s. + 3 s. för- och eftertext samt musiklista.
Language Swedish

Holdings Promotion materials

Type Misc.prints
Language Swedish


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