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Media (1 st)

Originaltitel Heaven Can Wait
Filmtyp Långfilm
Kategori Spelfilm
Åldersgräns Tillåten från 15 år
Sverigepremiär 1944-02-09


Gene Tierney
Martha Strabel, gift Van Cleve

Don Ameche
Henry Van Cleve, Marthas make

Charles Coburn
Hugo Van Cleve, Henrys farfar

Marjorie Main
Mrs. Strabel, Marthas mor

Laird Cregar
His Excellency

Spring Byington
Bertha Van Cleve, Henrys mor

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Hell, 1942. Henry Van Cleve, age 70, has just died and (voiceover) as his soul "passed over the Great Divide, he realized that it was extremely unlikely that his next stop could be Heaven, and...

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Svensk premiärtitel


Executive in Charge of Production
Specialeffekter, foto
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Gene Tierney Martha Strabel, gift Van Cleve
Don Ameche Henry Van Cleve, Marthas make
Charles Coburn Hugo Van Cleve, Henrys farfar
Marjorie Main Mrs. Strabel, Marthas mor
Laird Cregar His Excellency
Spring Byington Bertha Van Cleve, Henrys mor
Allyn Joslyn Albert Van Cleve, Henrys kusin, advokat
Eugene Pallette E.F. Strabel, Marthas far
Signe Hasso "Mademoiselle" Yvette Blanchard, familjen Van Cleves franska husa
Louis Calhern Randolph Van Cleve, Henrys far
Helene Reynolds Peggy Nash, dansös på The Follies
Aubrey Mather James, betjänt
Tod Andrews (som Michael Ames) Jack Van Cleve, Martha och Henrys son som vuxen
Leonard Carey Flogdell, Van Cleves betjänt
Clarence Muse Jasper, Strabels svarte uppassare
Dickie Moore Henry Van Cleve som femtonåring
Dickie Jones Albert Van Cleve som femtonåring
Trudy Marshall Jane
Florence Bates Mrs. Edna Craig
Clara Blandick Mrs. Van Cleve, Henrys farmor
Anita Bolster Mrs. Cooper-Cooper
Nino Pipitone (som Nino Pipitone jr.) Jack som barn
Claire Du Brey Miss Ralston, Jacks sekreterare
Maureen Rodin-Ryan sjuksköterskan
Frank Orth kusken (samt - ej krediterade)
Alfred Hall Alberts far
Grayce Hampton Alberts mor
Gerald Oliver Smith Smith
Charles Halton ett biträde på bokhandeln Brentano's
James Flavin polis
Art Foster (som Arthur Foster) polis
Libby Taylor jungfru
Bernice Pilot jungfru
Michael McLean Henry, 15 månader gammal
Edwin Maxwell doktorn
Scotty Beckett Henry som nioåring
Marlene Mains Mary
Gerald Pierce hisspojken
Doris Merrick sjuksköterska
Claire James en flicka på The Follies
Roseanne Murray en flicka på The Follies
Adele Jurgens en flicka på The Follies
Ruth Brady en flicka på The Follies
Sam Harris William Van Cleve, Henrys kusin - en gammal man på Henrys gruppfoto



Hell, 1942. Henry Van Cleve, age 70, has just died and (voiceover) as his soul "passed over the Great Divide, he realized that it was extremely unlikely that his next stop could be Heaven, and so, philosophically he presented himself where innumerable people had so often told him to go." His Excellency, Satan, grants him an interview and asks him to name some outstanding crime he committed on earth. Henry replies he can't think of one, but can safely say his whole life has been one continuous misdemeanor. Henry's story is told in flashbacks set on his birthdays. The Van Cleves' Fifth Avenue home, New York, 1872. Mother (a society lady) and grandmother dote over the infant Henry. Central Park, 1874. A nurse flirts with an Irish policeman as Henry squalls in his carriage. The same, 1881. Nine-year-old Henry's first lesson in the ways of the opposite sex: little Mary accepts a beetle from him as a gift and then charms and beguiles him out of a second one. The Fifth Avenue house 1887. Mrs. Van Cleve engages a French maid and pays her extra to tutor Henry in French. On Henry's birthday he is in bed with a strange sickness. It comes out it's nothing more than a common hangover, he and Mademoiselle slipped out and went carousing the night before. Mademoiselle is discharged. The same, Sunday morning of Henry's twenty-sixth birthday, 1898. The older Van Cleves are concerned over Henry, who throws away his money gambling and running around with showgirls. Henry rhapsodizes privately to his mother he's finally found the girl for him though he's seen her only once and doesn't know her name. That evening Henry's stuffy cousin Albert brings his fiancée, Martha, and her parents, the E.F. Strabels, the meat packers of Kansas City, to Henry's party. Martha, it turns out, is Henry's special girl; he followed her into a bookstore the day before and pretended to be a clerk in order to talk to her. Later, when Martha has to excuse herself during someone's song to sneeze, she goes into the library and Henry is there. He kisses her and begs her to marry him. To the astonished stares of all those assembled, Henry disinherit her. Grandfather Van Cleve is delighted and sends money for a honeymoon. The Van Cleve house the morning of Henry's birthday, 1908. Henry and Martha have an eight-year-old son, Jackie. At breakfast Mrs. Van Cleve says how wonderful it would be if Henry's father had lived long enough to see Henry settle down. Henry says it's all Martha's influence. About that time a telegram comes from Martha saying she's left him. The Strabel home in Kansas. The Strabels are at breakfast when Albert Van Cleve arrives and says he ran into Martha on the train and she's right outside in a carriage. The Strabels are cool to Martha at first but finally they give in and tearfully welcome her home. That evening Henry and Grandfather are secreted in Martha's room when she retires. She says she knows Henry has continued his philandering; what she can't take is his constant maneuvering to cover it up - like on the present occasion, when he gives her a bracelet for an anniversary gift and at home she has seen a jeweler's bill for two bracelets. Finally she wavers and the three of them creep out downstairs past Albert, reading at a desk, and Mr. Strabel, snoring loudly in his chair. New York, 1922. On his fiftieth birthday Henry pays a visit to Peggy Nash, a beautiful Ziegfeld Follies girl. He tries to turn on the charm, but has the wind taken out of his sails when she calls him a retired Casanova with a tummy. He pays her off to get her to stop seeing his son, Jack. He is crestfallen when she correctly guesses his age. Martha sees through him too and guesses what he's been up to. Jack comes in to say he's already given Peggy Nash up for another showgirl. Martha tells Henry not to worry - Jack is just a chip off the old block.

Censur / granskning

Censurnummer 66809
Datum 1944-02
Åldersgräns Tillåten från 15 år
Originallängd 3085 meter

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1.37:1
Ljudtyp Ljud
Ljudsystem Optisk mono
Färgtyp Färg
Färgsystem Technicolor
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 24
Längd i meter 3064 meter
Längd i minuter 112 min


Originaltitel Születésnap (Pjäs)
Författare László Bús-Fekete


USA 1943-02-01 1943-04-10


Urpremiär 1943-08-11 New York City USA 112 min
Sverigepremiär 1944-02-09 China Stockholm Sverige 113 min
TV-visning 1963-08-29 TV Sverige
1973-01-01 TV2 Sverige
Cinemateksvisning, arkivkopia 1994-12-06
TV-visning 2002-01-16 TV4 Sverige
2002-03-29 TV4 Sverige
FIAF-visning 2008-10-17
Cinemateksvisning, arkivkopia 2012-11-06

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Bärare 35 mm
Längd i meter 3065

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