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Originaltitel L'homme à la tête en caoutchouc
Filmtyp Kortfilm
Kategori Spelfilm


Georges Méliès


A chemist (Méliès) is in his laboratory. He takes his head off his shoulders and places it on a table in the middle of the stage. Behind the table there is an archway over a black ground. The...

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Georges Méliès kemisten


A chemist (Méliès) is in his laboratory. He takes his head off his shoulders and places it on a table in the middle of the stage. Behind the table there is an archway over a black ground. The chemist, once more equipped with a head, attaches a rubber tube to the head on the table and begins to inflate it with an air pump. The head grows at an alarming rate, grimacing all the while. The chemist detaches the tube from the pump and the head deflates to normal size. The chemist calls his assistant, instructing him to work the pump. The assistant goes at it vigorously. The head reinflates, but this time gets so full that i explodes, throwing the two experimentors to the floor. The chemist is furious; he throws his assistant out the window.

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1,37:1
Ljudtyp Stum
Färgtyp Handkolorerad
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 18
Längd i meter 50 meter
Längd i minuter 2 min
Akter 1 rullar


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