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Originaltitel La guirlande merveilleuse
Filmtyp Kortfilm
Kategori Spelfilm


Georges Méliès


In a medieval setting, Méliès appears dressed as a musketeer. Energetically he strips off his cloak and throws it to the wall where it sticks. Two pages enter with a rope. The musketeer takes...

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Georges Méliès musketören


In a medieval setting, Méliès appears dressed as a musketeer. Energetically he strips off his cloak and throws it to the wall where it sticks. Two pages enter with a rope. The musketeer takes the rope and swirls it until it urns into a rigid circle. He passes the circle through a sheet of paper turning it into a white papered circus hoop. A grotesque clown pops out of the hoop. The pages and the clown disappear as the hoop is passed over them. Flowers appear magically in the magician's hand. He throws the flowers at the hoop, forming a wreath. A woman appears inside the wreath followed by a large close-up of a devilsh face. The face vanishes in smoke, as does the magician. (ur Artificially Arranged Scenes. The Films of Georges Méliès av John Frazer 1979)

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1,37:1
Ljudtyp Stum
Färgtyp Handkolorerad
Bärare 35 mm
Hastighet 18
Längd i meter 80 meter
Längd i minuter 4 min
Akter 1 rullar


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