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Originaltitel Won in a Cabaret
Filmtyp Kortfilm
Kategori Spelfilm


Betty Compson
The Girl

Neal Burns
The Boy

Eddie Barry
The Rival

Harry Rattenberry
The Father


Moving Picture World, August 18, 1917"WON IN A CABARET (July 30). - The cast:The Girl (Betty Compson); The Boy (Neal Burns); His Father (Harry Rattenberry); His Rival (Eddie...

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Betty Compson The Girl
Neal Burns The Boy
Eddie Barry The Rival
Harry Rattenberry The Father


Produktionsbolag Christie Film Company Inc.


Moving Picture World, August 18, 1917

"WON IN A CABARET (July 30). - The cast:
The Girl (Betty Compson); The Boy (Neal Burns); His Father (Harry Rattenberry); His Rival (Eddie Barry).
After another wild night, Neal is found in bed late the next morning by his father, who reads in the paper of a riot at the waiters' ball, caused by Neal. In anger the father cuts off his allowance, turns him out and advises him to hunt a job. Neal's sanctimonious rival, Eddie, also reads the item in the paper and rushes off to show it to Betty. Neal arrives on the scene in time to prevent the exposure of his shortcomings, and eventually secures a position as a waiter in the High Life Cafe.
In the afternoon Betty asks Neal to take her to the High Life, and he pleads a business engagement. That evening, however, Betty visits the cafe with Eddie and another couple, and the party are given seats at the luckless Neal's table. He disguises himself with a false moustache and takes their order, but later removes the moustache and joins the party, entirely crowding out Eddie. After enjoying an elaborate dinner and the cabaret entertainment, Neal withdraws, puts on his disguise and presents the staggering bill to Eddie.
Betty discoveres that she has lost her purse, and the new waiter is suspected. He is brought face to face with Betty, and in an unlucky moment sneezes so hard that his moustache falls off. Eddie's joy at Neal's unmasking, however, is turned to sorrow when he perceives that Betty still preferes Neal." 

Tekniska fakta

Bildformat 1,37:1
Ljudtyp Stum
Färgtyp Svartvit (tintad)
Bärare 35 mm



Bestånd Film

Uppgifterna här avser filmmaterial i Svenska Filminstitutets arkiv. Arkivets bestånd tillgängliggörs på begäran främst för forskning, andra filmarkiv och rättighetsinnehavare. Vid frågor kontakta

Typ Kopia
Materialbas Nitrat
Bärare 35 mm
Längd i meter 210


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